7 Changes You Can Do In Your Bathroom To Upgrade The Space

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Sometimes you don’t have to have those Pinterest-inspired bathrooms to be able to say that you’re happy with your bathroom. The little tweaks here and there using your creativity and personality as well as upgrading your sanitary wares and fittings to make them more convenient for daily use is enough your turn your bathroom into your dream one.

1. Sinks
If you have limited space, wall hung, floor standing or console sink would be best. All of them keeps the room from looking cramped because it free up a lot of floor space although you’ll have to deal with limited storage underneath them. Meanwhile, under counter is a breeze to clean because of the lack of a lip separating the counter from the basin.

2. Faucets
Fullsun’s TOTO EcoCap offer flow rate of as little as 3.6 liters per minute. It allows you to wash your hands without guilt because it significantly reduces water consumption. This is made possible by mixing air with water which saves water without any loss in stream volume. Sometimes, people worry that while sensor taps may save water, it may also increase their energy usage. But with TOTO Self Power technology, accurate hand detection means only the minimum necessary amount of water is used, while located inside the unit is the second technology, a generator that harnesses the energy from water flowing through the tap to make the micro-sensor energy-self-sufficient.

3. Lighting
Do not underestimated how the lighting in your bathroom can make a difference in your shower experience as well as the general look of your bathroom. Find ways to make your shower feel brighter, and you make it more appealing for daily use. If you’re still using standard fluorescent, how about you change it up with a statement lighting piece? Your lighting fixtures can really date your overall bathroom design. Or better yet, allow natural light into your bathroom by maybe adding more windows or just making the existing one bigger.

4. Showerhead
Sometimes, the showerhead can make or break your shower experience. Just head over to Fullsun’s product section and you’ll see different types of showerheads, from shower column, fixed shower head, hand shower to shower fittings. Fullsun’s TOTO Technology even offers two shower heads which are the Aerial Shower and Aerial Pulse that promotes comfortable and enjoyable experience while reducing water consumption.

5. Grab Bars
While water is soothing and enjoyable, it can also make surfaces slippery. Here is where a grab bar comes in handy for young or old. When climbing out of the bath or shower, the grab bar provides extra stability, minimizing the tendency to slip on any wet surface. In Fullsun, we provide several different series of high quality Louis Grab Bars which are highly durable. You can surely find one that will suit the theme you’re going for in your bathroom.

6. Toilet
TOTO toilet bowl’s rimless design helps ensure that dirt and bacteria aren’t able to collect in the first place. Moreover, Our new TOTO Tornado Flush toilet with completely new flushing system cleans and flushes both the rim and bowl in an innovative way where it project three powerful jets of water from inside the bowl so you won’t have to flush twice and clean manually .Not to mention that CeFiONtect is a glaze applied to all TOTO ceramic products, including our toilets, leaving them with a long-lasting finish that prevents the build-up of mould, limescale and waste matter.

7. Upgrade Bathroom Hardware
Changing the handles, hinges, hooks or locks into matching material or even just choosing an accent color like gold to repaint it is a simple, affordable yet very refreshing way to update their looks. What’s good about this change is that it can make it feel like the entire bathroom has been overhauled too.

Visit us at https://www.fullsun.com.sg/ to get some ideas or reach us at 62950966 and we’ll surely help you achieve the shower room you’ve always wanted!